Feeling Good:
A Happiness Class
Learn the science-backed happiness habits that will help you maximize positive emotion to live a life of authenticity, depth, and joy.
Feeling Good is a 12-week journey where you will learn specific practices and habits that are scientifically proven to cultivate happiness.
Each week you will watch a video module, complete some thoughtful workbook exercises, and receive a weekly happiness habit challenge designed to create an abundance of positive emotion in your life. You really can become more optimistic and live a more joyful life!
Every week builds on the last, so by the end of our 12 weeks together you will have created a daily practice you can build on going forward.
You have everything you need to be positive, fulfilled, successful, and confident in your own skin. You can have this, my friend.
"Feeling Good was so clear, so straightforward, and easy to implement into my daily life. As someone who is constantly working on myself, I learned so many practical strategies to take control of my emotions and my life. Laura teaches in a very clear way with such a warm personality. My happiness score actually increased four points by the end of the course."
~ Megan R.
As someone who has suffered from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress, I have long been a seeker of authentic happiness.
We can define happiness so many different ways, but for me, it has always meant a sense of lightness, an ability to be present and feel gratitude for the moment, feeling connected to something bigger than me, and a feeling of deep peace and warmth.
To me, happiness does not mean that we avoid struggle, bypass tough emotions, or “fake it ‘til we make it” (although that can be helpful at times) – but a real, authentic, and lasting ability to experience joy.
I am so ready for this!
You will love this!
This is not therapy. As both a therapist and client, I can say firsthand that the transformative power of therapy, when you have found the right clinician, can be life altering.
If you have experienced trauma in your life, or if you are struggling with clinical depression or anxiety, you may have deeper work to do than this course will facilitate.
What I am offering with Feeling Good is some knowledge about what actually works to increase the positive emotion in your life, and a path to integrating practices into your life in a way that STICKS.
Because you deserve to feel good.
To be able to say, “I’m truly happy,” is a gift that YOU deserve.
And it will feel amazing.
The Benefits of Feeling Good: A Happiness Class
Start your day with intention and end your day with joy
Learn just how powerful moving your body can be by testing your mood before and after
Connect with other people, animals, and the universe in a deeper, more meaningful way
Learn how to welcome, embrace, and move through difficult emotions
Learn how to treat yourself with love, like you would treat your best friend or your child
Tap into the source of your creativity and lose yourself in activities more often
Feel confident you can support yourself when the shit hits the fan, because you believe in your bones that you can handle what life throws your way
And my favorite: You'll emanate joy and lightness to others, inspiring hope that they too can get there!
How It Works
Feeling Good: A Happiness Class is a 12-week journey that brings specific practices, actions, and structure into your life that are scientifically proven to cultivate positive emotion.
Each week you’ll log in to the course and watch a training video I’ve created sharing fascinating science, interviews with experts, and detailed practices that will help you to cultivate happiness in your daily life.
As a course participant, you will also receive a gorgeous, soulful workbook that will serve as your guide as you implement these practices into your own life.
Each week will build on the last, so that by the end of our 12 weeks together you will have created a custom set of beautiful daily practices that you can build on going forward.
You Deserve to Feel Good!Questions and Answers
What do I need to do this course?
Can all of this really be achieved in just 60 minutes a week?
What can I expect to get out of this course?
Can I connect with others doing the course?
Being happy is about treating someone with kindness whom you may have previously disregarded – YOU
Everything Starts With You!
Showing up as the highest and best version of yourself is a gift you give to your partner, your children, your friends, and the world.
We are energetic beings – energy can be neither created nor destroyed – and our energy dances with and impacts everything and everyone around us.
When you commit to daily practices that cultivate happiness, you become more open, more joyful, and more thoughtful.
You shine a light on those strengths that are uniquely yours, and the world benefits from this authentic YOU.
Yes – by focusing on your own happiness, you actually create a better world!
I’ve created Feeling Good: A Happiness Class as an offering to people just like me – folks whose lives are not perfect by any stretch – but who refuse to throw their hands in the air and just accept what life throws at them.
In my own life, it’s been a beautiful journey cultivating happiness, and I want to share what I’ve learned, because we all deserve to feel good!
I Need This!
About the Instructor
I have been practicing as a dually licensed mental health counselor in Colorado since 2008, after graduating with a Master of Arts from the University of Colorado at Denver's Counseling Psychology program, with an emphasis in couple and family therapy.
I have spent most of my life as a seeker - always searching for the best habits, practices, and mindset that will bring me closer to what Abraham Maslow called Self Actualization.
I believe my purpose on Earth is to hold a mirror up for people so that they can see the strength, beauty, and light within themselves.
I developed this website to motivate and connect with people who want to live their best lives, no matter their past circumstances.
Laura Ferguson, MA, LPC, LMFT